Alba's story - written by Bluestarwolf 12
Alba pulled herself from her napping state with a wide yawn, grip tightening around her metal staff. Based upon the location of the sun it had only been about an hour since the big crisis with the not-rising sun, and she still needed to check and be sure that everyone that relied on the sun for health and energy was still doing okay. So she pried herself out of bed and made her way from the little house, staff in hand, to make her rounds. The keeper knew everyone in the area that got their power from the sun by name, and knew generally where each resided. There were also several that occasionally traveled through the area, and Alba would need to scout them out if they were here as well.

The first few Alba encountered had faced no real issues relating to the interruption of the sun beyond minor irritation over the odd lighting. Alba had bid them goodbye not long after that, mentioning that her own symptoms had been fairly severe and that others may have similar problems. The next two both gave her the same scenario of having had problems when the anomaly had first occured, but that they had long since worn off. One of these two was highly irritated with Alba for having not asked around earlier, and Alba did not dare argue with the bird; past attempts had proven the act to be completely futile. Instead she headed back off on her way to find those troubled by the sun's temporary lapse.

After only a few more hours, Alba had visited every remotely sun-related creature in her area of the woods except one; Haven. In hindsight, the cat really should have been the first one she checked on. Every time something even vaguely resembling this occured, the boy's reaction had been very similar to her own, if slightly more severe. Alba again found herself wondering why she didn't keep Haven closer to her, why he lived so far away, and recalled that he had been hesitant to live with a child that could just look after herself. Perhaps she would ask him once she became a Guardian. Then... Well, then she could have her friend with her whenever she needed him.

Alba took a few steps into the little cave that Haven called home, almost missing the little magical sign that kept those with harmful intentions out of the place. "Haven? You home?" she called, almost not expecting to hear an answer. "Yeah, I'm in my bedroom. Alba? Is that you?"

"Yes, it's me." she said, making her way through the tidy little halls to the bedroom. The cat was sprawled out on his little bed, a good-sized gash in his flank. "I was in the kitchen," he explained, "Fell on something. Probably a knife." Alba gasped and rushed foward, bent on helping her beloved friend. "I'm mostly fine now, though. Was it you that fixed the sun?"

"Yeah. Me, Elliot, and Quetzalcoatl's Godling." he gave a small smile. "It's reguvenated my healing abilities. I should be fine by tomorrow."

"You really ought to come live with me."

"Maybe once you're a Guardian, Alba. Just maybe."

The next day, the Keeper recieved her invitation to the Keeper Growing Ceremony.