Quartz's story - written by ~Faith~
Quartz had left her home and her family, everything she knew just under 5 months ago. She had visited many towns, searching for the right place to accept her help. She wanted to make her mark and impress her assessors so she could become the Guardian she deserved to be. she looked around her at the barren land spread out before her, dust blowing to cover her clothing in the slight breeze, the only relief from the blistering heat.

She reached into her pack and grabbed her water bottle, nearly empty, she took a swig feeling the warm water slide down her dry throat like a savour in this dry place. She stood and brushed off her dress, she flung her pack and sword onto her back and started walking again. she could feel the strain of the past months on her limbs, no longer soft and smooth but muscled and coarse. As she had many times on this journey she wondered at her reasons for passing up the places she had been already, well the first place had run her out of town, the second was full of greedy idiots who didnt deserve her help but she wondered is she should have tried harder, digged deeper. She sighed at herself as her thoughts continued on this familiar self destructive path.

After three miles that felt like a hundred she could just see the begginnings of her next destination before her. Her wrinkled brow softened in relief and her steps felt much lighter as she travelled the rest of the way. As she got closer she saw the large white homes in the centre of the town, then gradually the normal populace came into view until she was stood in front of the most foul smelling and deteriorating hovel she had ever encountered! She widen her eyes in shock as two completely nude and filthy children ran past her, skin and bone and not much else to speak of. She took a deep breath, puffed out her chest and strode into the midst of the dwellings. Around her scared faces peered out from behind broken shutters, stinking piles of god only knows what and yes she did see that, from the sewers. Every face held the same scared and stricken expression, faces pitted from lack of nourishment and features caked in dirt. She didnt need long in this god forsaken place to know she had found her mission, smiling for the first time in her life she charged towards those white villas, the lord and ladies that ruled over and let this happen, this was her town now.