Kimimela's story - written by Aires213
This day started out special for Kimimela, why because today was the day kimimela would get assigned what she was keeper of .Today was the day all keepers all the keepers in the village would find out what they will be the keepers of.Kimimela was next up she was so excited to see what she would be keeper of she wanted to jump up and down but did not she did not want to seem childish.Next called out the guardian standing before her step on to the platform and stay still, kimimela did as she was told it was hard for her because she was so excited. next she hears you will now be keeper of Monarch butterflies .

Kimimela was so happy to be the keeper of Monarch Butterflies as she love butterflies but she did not know what the monarch's looked like, so she asked what does a monarch butterfly look like? A guardian pulled her aside and told her she would take her to go see them, so off the went.Kimimela was fascinated by the sight she had never seen anything more stunning black with oranges and yellowish colors so beautiful she said to her self.Kimimela knew she had to learn all she could about them as if she was going to be keeper of them she must know them right?.

Kimimela had stood to watch the butterflies this whole time when she notices something,one of the butterflies seem to be having a hard time flying ,why is that she asked so she went up to the butterfly to check it out and notices some of it;s wing had disintegrated.Kimimela had wonder what had happen to it what could have made the butterfly's wing disintegrate like that ,just then she notices a few other had the same issue so she had to investigate she could not let harm come to them she was there keeper.Kimimela searched high and low for the answer to why this was happening and finally she had talked to guardian that was guardian of butterflies and she found the truth, All butterflies could not be touched on there wing if they where there wings would start to disintegrate where it was touched.

Kimimela was happy to finally know the cause but sadden at the same time how could she help the butterflies what could she do ?, then suddenly it came to her i can make a campaign to help make guardians and keepers alike aware of the situation and what they can do to help. Kimimela made it clear to everyone that when someone touched the butterflies wings that they where hurting them because there wing are very fragile and by touching them they where making there wing disintegrate in the part of it. It was as Kimimela thought no one really knew they where hurting the butterflies. Kimimela campaign had helped not only the monarch butterflies but all the butterflies and it kept them more safe , kimimela was so proud of her self she helped the butterflies out in a non violent way and she was so happy to be keeper of the Monarch butterflies and they where happy to have her to.