Demetrius's story - written by ladydragon
Demetrius, the offspring of two incredible Guardians, has quite a lot on his shoulders. His father, a general, has given him the opportunity to care for the Swordsmen under his command. Demetrius is eager to get started and prove that his father's faith in him hasn't been misplaced.

He goes to the barracks and meets them all, a full company of 50 Swordsmen for him to protect. He spends some time watching the Swordsmen spar with each other, keeping a close eye on how they move, what risks he thinks they are taking, and learning, which moves work best, which ones seem to be higher risk, and just generally figuring out what goes in to being a Swordsman.

From his post he has a good view of the barracks, and the sparing ring, with enough room around him to practice with the Swordsmen, without being in their way. He's not ready to start practicing with them yet, but hopes to learn as he grows. He is quiet and thoughtful on the surface, but below that is the anxiety that he will fail and disappoint his parents, and a simmering temper that is not easy to induce, but extreme when it finally is. Demetrius is careful in choosing his words, and his weapons, as both can harm others. His is a conflicted soul. He wars within himself with the compassion that is a gift from his mother, and the battle knowledge that comes from his father. As he tries to find a balance within himself, the little battles seem the hardest to win. But, I will win them, he thinks to himself.

After he returned from his night spent with his sister, touring the town, seeing the problems, and learning everything he could learn about not only his Swordsmen, but also how they could help their homes, town, and friends, he was more sure of his purpose. This was evident in the strength of his voice as he spoke to them, and in the confidence that hadn't been there before. Small changes, but significant ones. I know now that I can do this, thought Demetrius, and the knowledge of it shone in his eyes.

Working with his sister to help the Fallen, and to give his Swordsmen a purpose, they had toured the town that they both loved. They had planned, toured, and plotted a course of action, all the while getting to know each other better, and learning that they didn't have to work separately in order to complete their duties.