Katarina's story - written by Aholland
Katarina was in a state. Twilight was missing again and so were about a dozen other black kitties. She couldn't find them anywhere. One day they just seemed to up and disappear from the city. She wasn't sure what she should do. She had searched everywhere over the last couple days. She was not to good without her little sidekick.

Katarina slipped through the dark alleys looking for them. She heard a sad little mew coming from somewhere up ahead. What was going on she wondered? She slunk quietly forward and glanced around the corner. Someone was back there. It looked like they had a large animal crate. And from it were coming sad mews and other types of feline cries. What on earth were they doing? She wasn't sure but, it looked like it was no good.

She waited till it looked like they were leaving to find more to put in to the crate and then she slipped forward. Quiet as can be she moved to the box and put her ear to the box. She was sure the sound she had been hearing was coming from this box. She struggled for a bit with the top of the box. It didn't seem to want to open. She pushed and pulled at it. She needed some tool to open it. With a frustrated sigh she began looking for the means in which to open the box.

Suddenly there was a scuffle behind her and a grunt of surprise. She turned quickly. They had returned faster than she had anticipated. She was in trouble now. She turned fully and readied herself. She stood defiantly.

"Release your captives you terrible people." She said in a slightly shaky voice.

"And if we don't? These beasties are unwanted. They are going to Madame Leana's to become food for her canine guardians." He smiled wickedly.

"I can't let you do that. They are not dog food. They are living creatures that have feelings and can love. I will not let you." She stood for a moment. She never realized that she seemed to glow as she tried to think of a way to save her friends. Then suddenly her point of view seemed to change. She meant to growl at them but it was a very non-human growl that issued from her. She glanced down at her self to see a feline body where moments before her own body had been. She looked back up to find fear in their eyes. She let out a roar. And they retreated rather fast. She turned back to the box and with one swipe of her massive feline paws she ripped a hole in the box. Out tumbled several kitties. All the black ones seemed to converge on her. Twilight was there. She quickly on silent feline paws led them to the safety of her own home. Ones there she changed back to herself and sat with a house full of Kitties. Twilight curled in her lap purring.